Lesson 1: Introduction to Narcissism
If you’re facing a custody dispute with a narcissist, you can anticipate that they will use manipulative tactics to get what they want, and they can make the divorce or custody process even more challenging. But there is hope. This lesson will teach you about the specific types of narcissists and the ways that they act in divorce. You will learn how to identify their behaviors, how to protect yourself from their manipulation, and how to develop a strategy for winning your case. Take control of the situation and learn how to beat them at their own game. This lesson is the foundation to getting the outcome you want in your custody dispute.
Here are just some of the things you will learn in this lesson:
- How to identify the different types of narcissists
- The manipulative tactics that narcissists use in divorce
- How to protect yourself from their manipulation
- How to develop a winning strategy for your case
Lesson 2: Setting Yourself Up for Success
Any family court ordeal is a difficult experience, but it can be devastating when your ex is a toxic narcissist. Toxic people are often manipulative, controlling, and abusive. They can make the divorce or custody process even more difficult by using their tactics to get what they want.
This lesson is designed to help you prepare for the emotional battle that you will face in court and in your future co-parenting relationship.
You will learn how to:
- Prepare for the emotional battle of a custody dispute
- Set realistic expectations for the process
- Establish a support system
- Hire an attorney or counselor
Lesson 3: iHEART
iHEART is a communication framework that can help you to minimize and eliminate emotional attacks from your narcissistic co-parent.
iHEART stands for:
- Identify your triggers: What are the things that your co-parent says or does that trigger an emotional response in you?
- Have boundaries: Set clear boundaries with your co-parent about what you will and will not tolerate.
- Accountability: Hold your co-parent accountable for their behavior.
- Transparency: Be transparent with your co-parent about your needs and expectations.
By using iHEART, you can learn to communicate with your co-parent in a way that protects you from their emotional attacks and smear campaigns. You can also establish a means of holding them accountable for overstepping court-ordered boundaries.
You will learn how to:
- Protect yourself from the smear campaign
- Shield yourself from post-separation abuse.
- Enlist the court to employ consequences for boundary violations.
- Communicate confidently and effectively
- Remain stoic when being verbally assaulted
iHEART is a powerful tool that can help you to protect yourself from emotional attacks from your narcissistic co-parent. It is a skill that you can learn and maintain, and it can make a significant difference in your co-parenting relationship.